Ambitious Mother Finds Fulfillment in Medicine

Jocelin was eager to provide for her child and enter the medical field as a certified nursing assistant, but the cost of CNA training and certification felt like an insurmountable barrier. After meeting with a Goodwill career coach, Jocelin learned that she could in fact move her career forward, thanks to tuition funding from Goodwill.

She immediately enrolled in the fully funded CNA Training program, followed soon after by formal CNA training. All throughout, she challenged herself, sought and found mentors, and cultivated her interviewing skills. With Goodwill helping to pay for the cost of transportation and clothing during training, Jocelin had all the support she needed to successfully earn her CNA license, all while raising her child.

Soon after achieving her CNA license, Jocelin quickly secured gainful employment at Henderson Hospital. She relishes her self-sufficiency as a provider for both herself and her child. She already has her eyes on the future: becoming a registered nurse and pursuing a long and meaningful career in healthcare.

Goodwill supported Jocelin’s path to a dream career.

Learn how Goodwill’s Career Services can work for you.