Training and Assessment Test Motivated Man

A work readiness assessment can be a major challenge for people living with emotional disabilities.

At age 25, Stephen was eager to gain new work experience within a retail environment. He was referred to the Goodwill Community Based Training (CBT) program for a 20-day assessment of his readiness for employment.

While his Goodwill employment trainer was encouraged by his strong motivation, the assessment exercises proved challenging for Stephen. While training on the cash register, Stephen experienced anxiety and would forget basic steps. When working on the sales floor, he often became distracted during his shift, veering into social interactions rather than focusing on assigned tasks.

As the end of his assessment, Stephen was recommended for an additional 10-day “work hardening” training with the goal of improving his independence. Stephen saw the future assessment as a welcome chance to prove himself guided by Goodwill’s experienced trainers.

Goodwill welcomed Stephen’s eagerness to work.

Learn how Goodwill’s Disability Programs work for Southern Nevada.