Teen Proves Her Value to Future Employers

Sade Johnson eyed a retail environment for her first-ever work experience. An 18-year-old with a documented learning disability, Sade was referred by the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) for a work readiness assessment through the Goodwill® Community Based Training (CBT) program.

During her ten-day assessment, Sade was trained on various tasks such as stocking merchandise, receiving donations, and sorting donated items into various categories. Sade picked up on her assigned tasks very quickly and fit comfortably into team projects. Sade consistently displayed an upbeat attitude and worked well with her co-workers.

Upon passing her work readiness assessment, Sade was highly recommended for job placement. Sade is thankful to Goodwill for providing her with her first work experience. In addition to gaining employment, Sade plans to study graphic design at the College of Southern Nevada.

Goodwill helped Sade affirm her readiness.

Learn how Goodwill’s Disability Programs work for Southern Nevada.