Marine Corps Vet Finds Hope for the Future

Upon concluding his military service in the Middle East, Daniel, a Marine Corps veteran, faced many challenges, including homelessness, disability, and underemployment. Above all, he struggled to translate his military training as a logistics vehicle system operator into civilian employment. While he knew earning a commercial driver’s license (CDL) would bridge this gap and help him find a job, he was unable to pay for the required training.

A fellow veteran referred him to Goodwill, where Daniel consulted with a career coach who also had military experience. The veteran career coach worked with him to secure tuition funding as well as cover transportation costs while he did his CDL training.

With the funding he needed, Daniel earned his CDL license and immediately secured employment as a company driver with Covenant Transport. He sees a bright future ahead, planning to obtain his own truck and become an entrepreneur.

Daniel feels Goodwill has changed the trajectory of his entire life. Though he was in what he called “a dark place” when he first approached Goodwill, he now describes feeling hopeful for the future and confident that he can provide for his family. With his life “back on track,” he feels like he has “found his smile again.”

Goodwill helped Daniel transition to civilian life.

Learn how Goodwill’s Career Services and Veteran Services can work for you.