Struggling Single Mother Finds Security

Tiffany was an unemployed, single parent who had just relocated to the Las Vegas area when she sought out Goodwill for assistance. Being new to the community and with limited resources, Tiffany had difficulty finding stable housing, which prevented her from maintaining custody of her daughter.

Goodwill first helped Tiffany secure the required work card documents she needed to obtain employment. Once she received a letter of intent to hire, Goodwill provided Tiffany with services that she otherwise could not have been able to afford, including an expedited Guard Card application, fingerprints, and background check.

With Goodwill’s assistance, Tiffany was able to gain employment as a security professional with Allied Universal. Her new job allowed her to get back on her feet, put down roots in her new community, and start working toward financial stability. Above all, Tiffany’s new career gave her the opportunity to reunite with her daughter, who is her driving force in all she does.

Goodwill got Tiffany back on track.

Learn how Goodwill’s Career Services can work for you.