Unemployed Man Discovers His Calling

William was unemployed and eager to reenter the workforce when he was referred to Goodwill by HopeLink of Southern Nevada. Upon arriving at the Goodwill Career Center, he knew he needed help developing new skills to secure employment but wasn’t sure what kind of career to pursue.

His varied interests made it difficult for him to decide on a single career path, so his Goodwill career coach helped him complete an interest profiler assessment, as well as research different fields.

William decided to pursue a career as a truck driver. With the help of his Goodwill career coach, he was able to receive grant-based tuition assistance to attend driver training.

Shortly after earning his commercial driver’s license, William secured employment with Keolis Commuter Services as a full-time fixed route operator.

“Goodwill’s programs have given me a second chance for a brighter future,” William said. He feels “grateful and blessed” for Goodwill’s support, and he wants others like him to know that “there is hope for anyone that asks for help.”

Goodwill helped William identify his strengths.

Learn how Goodwill’s Career Services can work for you.